New IQRA House Usage Policy

Assalamu Alaikum to all members

The Trustees and Committee Members are pleased to announce a new Iqra House Usage Policy has been put in place, this can be found on the ‘booking Calendar’ page on our new website (click here). The rules that have been put in place are designed for the benefit of all and are also to keep Iqra house in the best condition possible inshaAllah.

The usage policy is also accompanied by a Booking Policy to make it easy for all members,  especially new members who wish to book Iqra house for the first time as well as regular repeat users.

The new policy is in place with immediate effect and will apply to all new bookings made from this date going forward.

UKMKA Milad Event – 30th October 2021

UKMKA Milaad un Nabi and Centre Reopening

Assalamualaikum All,

Hope this message finds you all well during this blessed month of our Prophet (SAW). Following on from our last ‘Save The Date’ message we just wanted to give you a brief outline of the itinerary of the evening.

We will be hosting the event from UKMKA centre and all are welcome to attend the event in person. For those in our community unable to attend, we will also be streaming the event live on Zoom (meeting details to follow)

Date: Saturday 30th October 2021
Venue: 134 Bromford Drive, Birmingham, B36 8TY

For those attending in person:

Start Time: 4pm
Food as Buffet: 5pm to 6:30pm
Time for Asr and Maghrib in between

For those attending in person and on Zoom:

Event Proceedings: Start and Live on Zoom 7pm

Planned Programme

  • Trustee welcome and centre update
  • Talk in Kutchi by Haji Abdul Qayyum Qureshi
  • Talk in english by Haji Yunus Abubakr Abdullah
  • Naats by Birmingham Mens Zikr Group
  • Children’s Performances
  • Naats by Azm-E-Ali
  • Dua

If you are experiencing any symptoms of Covid or you are in doubt then please be mindful of others and yourself and refrain from coming to this particular event.

Please RSVP by Sunday 24 October via WhatsApp or SMS with numbers of people likely to attend this event, so we are able to cater for food accordingly.

Please share the message

We look forward to welcoming you all back InshaAllah


Milad-un-Nabi – 17th October 2021 @ 2pm

Assalamu Alaikum All

We would like to invite everyone to Iqra House on Sunday 17th October 2021 at 2pm to Mark Milad-un-Nabi, a celebration to honour the birth of our Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam.

We appreciate that it can take time for some community members to get back to normal after the lifting of restrictions post pandemic,  however this gathering would be an excellent opportunity to reconnect with others and mark this auspicious occasion, may Allah be pleased with all who are able to attend inshaAllah.

We look forward to seeing you all at Iqra.

JazakAllah Keir

MKCT Admin

A celebration to honour the birth of our Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasalam